
  • All ammunition stacks have been set to 100. This includes arrows, bolts, bullets, throwing daggers, darts and throwing axes.
  • Potions, scrolls, gems and non-magical rings and amulets have had their stacks increased to 50.

  • The speed factor for bows, crossbows and slings has been restored by adding it to the ammunition (previously all ranged weapons had a speed factor of 0).
  • Arrows have a speed factor of 7, bolts 8 and bullets 6.
  • Enchanted ammunition has lower speed factors.

  • All crossbows gain +2 to THAC0.
  • Heavy crossbows gain +1 to damage and only attack 1/2 rounds.

  • Spears have become long spears (size large, weight 8, speed 8, damage 2D6).

  • Morning stars do bludgeoning/piercing damage.
  • Halberds do piercing/slashing damage.
  • Katana, Wakizashi and Ninjato do piercing/slashing damage.

  • Wakizashi and Ninjato have become more expensive due to their rarity in the western part of Faerûn.
  • Ninjato speed factor has been reduced to 3 (was 4).

  • Strength bonuses no longer apply to darts and throwing daggers.

  • Each type of armor now comes in six different versions, one for each race (elves and half-elves use the same). This restriction does not apply to shields or helmets. Magical armors can be worn by any race, however, as they automatically change size to fit the wearer.

  • Each weapon in the game comes in a high quality version that provides a bonus to hit. These allow parties to purchase better equipment before magical items can be afforded.

  • All priest spells are available as scrolls. These are sold at the various temples.

  • Most magical items are more expensive.


  • All party NPCs will be at the same level as the PC when they join the group.

  • Dwarven, gnome and halfling non-party NPCs now gain the same constitution-based saving throw bonuses as PC characters of these races do.

  • Viconia's magic resistance is 50% at 1st level and increases by 2% for each level thereafter. She also has a one-time bonus of +2 to her saving throws vs. rod/staff/wand and spell.


  • Lore has been limited to bards who gain 5 points per level. There is no bonus due to high intelligence or wisdom scores. The lore values of all magical items have been altered to reflect this change.


  • Spells

  • All friendly spells now ignore magic resistance to take into account that any being with magic resistance can lower it at will.

  • Opposition Schools

  • Abjurer: Alteration & Illusion
  • Conjurer: Divination & Invocation/Evocation
  • Diviner: Conjuration/Summoning
  • Enchanter: Invocation/Evocation & Necromancy
  • Illusionist: Necromancy, Invocation/Evocation & Abjuration
  • Invoker: Enchantment/Charm & Conjuration/Summoning
  • Necromancer: Illusion & Enchantment/Charm
  • Transmuter: Abjuration & Necromancy

  • Universal Magic

  • This school of magic is essential to any magic-user and therefore all wizards have access to it. The spells include:

  • Identify
  • Knock
  • Dispel Magic
  • Remove Curse
  • Bestow Curse


  • The way poison works has changed a lot from the original game, as the continual damage has been replaced with a single effect. Some of these effects are immediate while others have an onset time. This is the time poisons need to work their way through the system to reach the areas they affect. Onset is the time that elapses before the poison's effect is felt. During the onset the poison may be cured with spells and items.

  • Huge Spider, Greater Basilisk (Claw) and Ettercap poison has an onset time.
  • Giant Spider, Greater Basilisk (Breath), Phase Spider and Wyvern poison is immediate.

  • Ettercaps, Greater Basilisks (Claw) and Wyverns do not poison the target on every successful hit.


  • Sizes have been introduced for PC races and weapons. The small races, gnomes and halflings, cannot use large weapons. These include long bows, halberds, two-handed swords, quarter staves and spears.

  • Dwarves cannot use large shields, but gain +1 to AC vs. ranged weapons when using medium shields.
  • Gnomes and halflings cannot use large or medium shields, but gain +1 to AC vs. ranged weapons when using small shields.

  • Dwarves gain +1 to hit hobgoblins. Ogres and ogre mages suffer a -4 penalty to hit dwarves. Half-ogres are at -2 to hit.

  • Gnomes gain +1 to hit kobolds. Gnolls, ogres, ogre mages and half-ogres suffer a -4 penalty to hit gnomes.

  • Halflings gain +1 to hit with darts, throwing daggers and throwing axes, in addition to their bonus with slings.


  • All characters begin the game with the same reputation regardless of their alignment. A high reputation does not lower store prices as much as it did previously.

spheres of access

  • Cleric
  • Major: All, Chaos, Charm, Combat, Creation, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Law, Necromantic, Protection, Summoning, Thought, Wards
  • Minor: Elemental Water, Elemental Earth

  • The cleric loses access to the sphere of sun, elemental air and elemental fire while retaining minor access to elemental water and elemental earth.

  • Clerics lose access to:

  • Shillelagh
  • Barkskin
  • Flame Blade
  • Protection from Fire
  • Animal Summoning I
  • Protection from Lightning
  • Call Woodland Beings
  • Animal Summoning II

  • Clerics gain access to:

  • Pixie Dust

  • Druid
  • Major: All, Animal, Elemental (All), Healing, Plant, Weather, Sun

  • The druid loses access to the sphere of divination and gains major access to the sphere of sun.

  • Druids lose access to:

  • Detect Evil
  • Armor of Faith
  • Doom
  • Find Traps
  • Know Alignment
  • Resist Fire/Resist Cold
  • Invisibility Purge
  • Miscast Magic
  • Rigid Thinking
  • Defensive Harmony
  • Death Ward
  • Negative Plane Protection
  • Farsight
  • Cloak of Fear
  • Chaotic Commands
  • Magic Resistance
  • Pixie Dust

  • Druids gain access to:

  • Chant
  • Remove Curse
  • Zone of Sweet Air


  • Buy and sell percentages used to be the same in all stores but these now vary so that some are cheap and others are expensive. Rooms also have different prices depending on the inn you are visiting and most inns do not have all four rooms.

  • Temples will buy certain kinds of items.

  • Most stores have new items for sale.

thieving skills

  • Thieves gain 200 experience points for disarming traps and opening locks regardless of their level.

  • Thieves gain 55 (+15) points to distribute at 1st level in BG:EE. This is not possible in Tutu and BGT, so the 15 points have been added to the base scores.

  • Base scores for some thieving skills have changed:

  • Pick Pockets: +5%
  • Move Silently: +10%
  • Hide In Shadows: +5%
  • Detect Illusion: +10%

  • Wearing armor affects thieving skills as follows:

  • -Leather armor
  • Pick Pockets: -5%
  • Move Silently: -10%
  • Hide In Shadows: -5%

  • -Studded Leather armor
  • Pick Pockets: -35%
  • Open Locks: -10%
  • Find/Remove Traps: -10%
  • Move Silently: -30%
  • Hide In Shadows: -25%

unfinished business

  • The Fields of the Dead restores the second level of the Ice Island dungeon. Dezkiel can now be found there.

weapon specialization & mastery

  • Proficiencies / hit / damage / speed / #attacks

  • 2: +1 / +2 / 0 / 0
  • 3: +3 / +3 / 0 / +0,5
  • 4: +3 / +3 / -3 / +0,5
  • 5: +3 / +4 / -3 / +1,5